I’ve always been a saver and lived frugally. It helps a lot that I’m not materialistic because I prefer to spend my hard earned money on experience rather than shiny branded items that only end up as a display. Don’t get me wrong, I am willing to spend the extra money for great quality items. However, they are not my priority right now.

Aside from blogging about my solo travels, which you can read about among other topics at Wander Lessons or see on my Instagram, I graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business and currently work as an accountant.

I’ve always found finances, business, and numbers to be interesting. Believe me, I can go on and on about why I like it so much! I wish studying it in college meant that I am now a pro at handling finances, but that’s not the case. I learned finances just like how most adults did–by experience (plus tons of reading) and not at school.

It’s frustrating to start, I get it. That’s why I’m here to share my knowledge and what I’ve learned in the simplest possible way I can because that was something I wish I had when I was younger trying to secure a good financial health.

I’d like it emphasized that I am in no way an expert at this nor am I qualified to advise anyone. I’ll leave that to your financial advisors and other professionals.

I’d love to have an interactive community so please do not hesitate to leave a comment. Share your thoughts, correct any of my potential mistakes, and help others.