Journey to Financial Success

Hi there!

You might’ve already heard it a bunch of times and that’s because it’s true: the first step to success is to acknowledge the issue. You wouldn’t be here reading if you have it all together. You’re here because you’ve either realized you’re screwed and want to find a way out or prevent things from getting worse. I say that’s a brave move you made.

Money is one of those sensitive/taboo topics that is important, but rarely talked about. I’m not suggesting opening your book to everyone you meet and share notes, but having someone you trust to discuss it with is helpful. Be it your spouse, partner, best friend, financial advisor, CPA, etc. I highly recommend reading books as well such as The Sell by Fredrik Eklund, Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki, The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey, among many others.

I’m still working on sharing my knowledge in finance with you in the simplest possible way. I know how frustrating it is when it comes to this dreaded adulting activity. While I work on that, please feel free to visit my travel blog Wander Lessons and check out my Instagram.

There’s a lot more to say. Stay tuned for more!

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